Psyllium seed

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Product Type Natural / Organic
Weight 35 grams (1 oz)
Shelf Life 36 months

6.0 $

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Boost Your Digestive Health with Psyllium Seed

Psyllium seed is a powerful source of soluble fiber, which can help to promote healthy digestion and regular bowel movements.

This natural supplement can help to alleviate constipation and other digestive issues, and may even help to reduce the risk of colon cancer.

With its mild, nutty flavor, psyllium seed is easy to incorporate into your daily routine. Whether you sprinkle it on your morning cereal or mix it into your favorite smoothie, psyllium seed is a simple and effective way to support your overall health and wellness.

Manage Your Weight Naturally with Psyllium Seed

In addition to its digestive benefits, psyllium seed can also help to support healthy weight management.

As a source of soluble fiber, psyllium seed can help to promote feelings of fullness and satiety, which can help to reduce overeating and snacking.

By incorporating psyllium seed into your daily routine, you can help to support your weight loss goals and maintain a healthy and balanced diet.

Experience the Versatility of Psyllium Seed

Psyllium seed isn’t just a supplement for your health and wellness – it’s also a versatile ingredient for your favorite recipes.

Add psyllium seed to your baked goods for a boost of fiber and a moist, fluffy texture.

Use psyllium seed to thicken your favorite soups and sauces, or mix it into your homemade granola for an extra crunch. The possibilities are endless with psyllium seed!

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Weight 1 oz
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